Next session: TBD
Ser Barfor (?)
Noble paladin of Pelor, part of the crew who went missing at the Sunless Citadel.
Karakos [DECEASED]
Ranger, part of the crew who went missing at the Sunless Citadel.
Toljin (?)
The nephew we were employed to find - sought the apple for glory.
Sharavin (?)
The niece we were employed to find - sought the apple for glory.
The white dragon that we attacked and then half-freed in the citadel - hope this doesn't bite us in the rump.
#MeepoExists #WellHeDidAtOnePoint. The poor kobold we freed and "helped" (forgot about) until he died during the night attack from the goblins.
Queen Justiya (?)
Queen of the Kobolds in the citadel, her and her people fled into the mountain after that gruesome fight with the goblins.
The old magic creep who lived in the citadel in recent years, gifting the golden apple once a year to the goblins. The end battle for the Sunless Citadel. A hairy one at that, but I would say that as I was almost devoured by his massive pet frog - at least we got a pub name out of it!