Next session: TBD

We approach the slain orcs in their camp, noticing their hostage is a human - we assume him friendly. He is in his late twenties / early thirties, with an arm blackened with blood from a deep cut. He appears equipped to travel the dense forest, but not much more. Barra cuts his bonds and asks him who he is and what he’s doing out here. He introduces himself as Glonn, and explains he and his friend were venturing from the east in order to meet the druids of the forest - hoping they can aid them of a curse that has gripped their village. Glonn told us that the druids have been around as long as the forest has been, and was five days march from the meeting point to the north west. He also explained that that alluring little red X on the ranger’s map was not the destination of treasure as we’d hoped, but a mark of where an orc camp resides. The Bishops break the bad news that they found a ranger murdered the previous day, and it was indeed Glonn’s companion. Glonn didn’t know why he was taken alive when the orcs had attacked, and had no idea where he was being taken…

After camping up for the night, Borak continued to lead the Bishops, accompanied by Glonn for safe passage, toward the Lost Peaks. We come across a raised clearing, giving us a clear sight of the mountain peak - broad at the base rising to a sharp, potentially insurmountable summit. Give the old soul his due, Ander’s eyesight appears to be as sharp as ever as he spots what he believes to be a path up the western ridge. That is our target…